The 27th Annual Scottish Reformed Conference

It is never too late for a nation to be restored, but a nation can only be restored through the transformative power of the Gospel.  This truth was highlighted at this year’s Scottish Reformed Conference held at Hamilton College in May.  The SRC is a unique event in the Scottish Christian calendar at which believers of all ages and denominations gather to praise God and hear His word taught by internationally renowned Bible teachers.  The conference is growing in reputation and number; this year around 600 people gathered and were thrilled with the Biblical exposition of Mr. Paul Washer and Dr. Sandy Roger.

2016 Speakers: Paul Washer and Sandy Roger
2016 Speakers: Paul Washer and Sandy Roger

Paul Washer became a believer while studying at the University of Texas. He completed his undergraduate studies and enrolled at Southwestern Theological Seminary, where he received his Master of Divinity degree. After graduating, he moved to Peru and served there as a missionary for ten years, during which time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society in order to support Peruvian church planters. HeartCry’s work now supports indigenous missionaries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, and Latin America.  Paul now serves as one of the labourers with the HeartCry Missionary Society. He and his wife Charo have three children: Ian, Evan, and Rowan.

Sandy Roger is from Scotland and formerly served as the National Chaplain of the Scottish Prison Service and as the Principal of the Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh. Dr. Roger has been the minister in four churches in Britain including his present church, Brucefield in Whitburn.  He continues to lecture in Theology and Homiletics and does so as a noted and able Bible teacher. Dr. Roger also has a particular gift in evangelistic and expository preaching.

Mr. Washer turned to Romans 3 and reminded the gathering that we must understand who God is; we must understand His nature and character because our response to Him flows from this understanding.  Further, when we know God, we will begin to understand the seriousness of sin; when we understand the seriousness of sin we will be all the more thrilled with the Gospel.  The main question asked was – How can God maintain His justice and pardon men?  The answer is Christ paid for our sin on the cross.  He indeed bore our sin and our sorrow; moreover, He bore the righteous wrath of God so that those who call upon His name will be right with God.  When we understand who God is and see He justice and love manifest at the cross our lives can be transformed.  The Gospel is our motivation in life; indeed, any increase in our understanding of the infinite value of Christ and His humiliation should result in an increase in personal piety.

Continuing this theme, Dr. Roger dealt with the importance of confession and conviction of sin.  Turning to 1 John 1 we were reminded that only through confession can our sins be forgiven; we are certain of this forgiveness because of God’s character – He is faithful and just.  Dr. Roger reminded us that not to treat sin seriously is a denial of the truth.  In the Scriptures we are told that conviction of sin leads to confession of sin; this confession then brings about cleansing and then cancellation of sin.  As an old hymn says:  The vilest offender who truly believes, that moment, from Jesus a pardon receives.  Dr. Roger finished by saying “If you don’t see yourself as a sinner then you will never confess and that will keep you from the presence of God.”
