Conference Audio

The audio from the majority of our conferences can be found below.

You can download the mp3 file by clicking on the dots at the RHS of the audio player.


2024 Session 1: Rev Rupert Bentley-Taylor: Daniel 7:1-28 “The Triumph of the Son of Man in the History of the Whole World”
2024 Session 2: Rev Dr Iain Wright: Exodus 33v12-23 “The Triple Crown”
2024 Session 3: Rev Rupert Bentley-Taylor: Matthew 20v17-28 “The Triumph of the Son of Man in the Lives of His Disciples”


2024 Session 3: Dr Kevin DeYoung: Numbers 36 “The Daughters of Zelophehad and the Life of Faith”
2024 Session 2: Dr Sinclair Ferguson: Romans5v1-11 “The Triple Crown”
2024 Session 3: Dr Kevin DeYoung: Revelation 3v7-13 “Promises for the Poor in Spirit”


2022 Session 1: Dr Joel Beeke: Matthew 27v46 “Christ Forsaken”
2022 Session 2: Rev Rupert Bentley-Taylor: Jeremiah 27 & 28 “The Truth and The Lies”
2022 Session3: Dr Joel Beeke: Hebrews 12v3 “Considering Christ When We Feel Forsaken”


2019 Session 1: Dr Sinclair B. Ferguson: Genesis 1 v26-28 “Who am I? Part 1: Creation”
2019 Session 2: Dr Robert Murdock: Galatians 5 v13 “The Fruit of the Spirit”
2019 Session3: Dr Sinclair B. Ferguson: 2 Corinthians 5 v17 “Who am I? Part 2: Recreation”


2018 Session1: Dr Steven J. Lawson: Isaiah 6 v1-3 “The Holiness of God I”
2018 Session 2: Rev. Kenneth Stewart: 1 Kings 19 v9 “Discouragement – Cause and Cure”
2018 Session3: Dr Steven J. Lawson: Revelation 4 v1-8 “The Holiness of God II”


2017 Session1: Rupert Bentley Taylor: Isaiah 55 “The Power of God’s Word”
2017 Session 2: Warren Peel: Colossians 1 v3-14 “Praying like Paul”
2017 Session3: David Meredith: Joshua 23 “Are we Living our Legacy?”


2016 Session1: Paul Washer: Romans 3 v23-28 “The Heart of the Gospel”
2016 Session 2: Dr. Sandy Roger: 1st John 1 v5-10 “Confession and Conviction of Sin”
2016 Session3: Paul Washer: 2nd Corinthians 5 v20 & 21 “The Cross and the Curse”


2015 Session1: Kevin DeYoung: Matthew 5:17-20 “Christ, Christians and the Word”
2015 Session 2: Steven Curry: Matthew 6:1-18 “All that Glitters is not Gold”
2015 Session3: Kevin DeYoung: Matthew 7:28-29 “Astonishing Authority”


2014 Session1: Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: Psalm 2 “Christ Jesus – The Lord”
2014 Session 2: Rev. David S. Carmichael: Mark 15 v16-32 “Christ Jesus – Our King”
2014 Session 3: Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: Philippians 3 v7-11 “Christ Jesus – My Lord”


2013 Session 1: Rev. William G. Hughes: Hebrews 1 v1-3 “The Person of Christ”
2013 Session 2: Rev. Martin Allen: Habakkuk 3 v17-18 “Rejoicing Whatever”
2013 Session 3: Rev. William G. Hughes: Matthew 27 v27-56 & Hebrews 1:1-3 “The Work of Christ”


2012 Session 1: Dr. Steve Lawson: Psalm 93 “The Lord Reigns”
2012 Session 2: Dr. Iain D. Campbell: Genesis 43 v1-13 “Judah’s Pledge”
2012 Session 3: Dr. Steve Lawson: Psalm 112 “A God-Centred Life”


2011 Session 1: Dr. Joel Beeke: Romans 7 v22-15 “Wrestling for Inward Holiness”
2011 Session 2: Pastor Steven Curry: Philippians 2 v5-11 “A Pattern for Christian Service”
2011 Session 3: Dr. Joel Beeke: Hebrews 12 v1-2 “Staying on the Racetrack”


2010 Session 1: Dr. Dale Ralph Davis: 1 Samuel 27-29 “When Trouble Turns Thicker”
2010 Session 2: Rev. Kenneth Stewart: Luke14 v25-35 “Counting the Cost”
2010 Session 3: Dr. Dale Ralph Davis: 1 Samuel 30 “How Then Shall We Live”


2009 Session 1: Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: 2 Corinthians 3 – “The Glory of the New Covenant”
2009 Session 2: Rev. Eric J. Alexander: John17 v1-10 – “The Glory of Christ”
2009 Session 3: Dr. Sinclair B Ferguson: 2 Corinthians 4 – “The Glory of Christian Service”


2008 Session 1: Dr. Joel Beeke: Matthew15 v21-28 – “Christ Maturing Our Faith”
2008 Session 2: Dr. Iain D. Campbell: John19 v41-42 – “Invitation To A Funeral”
2008 Session 3: Dr. Joel Beeke: Matthew 16 v18b – “Christ Maturing Our View Of The Church”


2007 Session 1: Dr. Liam Goligher: 2 Corinthians 5 v11 – 6 v2 – “The Great Exchange”
2007 Session 2: Rev. David Carmichael: Mark14 v43-52 – “Crisis and Cure”
2007 Session 3: Dr. Liam Goligher: Psalm2 – “The Lord Reigns”


2006 Session 1: Rev. Prof. Edward Donnelly: Hebrews 12 v1-2 – “Looking to Jesus”
2006 Session 2: Rev. Richard Brooks: Numbers 17 – “Gleanings from Aaron’s Rod”
2006 Session 3: Rev. Prof. Edward Donnelly: Hebrews 12 v1-2 – “Let us run with Endurance”


2005 Session 1: Rev. Stephen Clark: 2 Peter 1 – “Wholly Holy I”

2005 Session 2: Rev. Jonathan Stephen: “Snapshots of a Model Church” (Recording Missing!)

2005 Session 3: Dr Liam Goligher: Romans 8 v26 – “Wholly Holy II”


2004 Session 1: Dr. Dale Ralph Davis: Genesis 12 to 22 – “The Problems of Living by Faith”
2004 Session 2: Rev. Eric J. Alexander: Matthew 3 & 4 – “Preparation for Ministry”
2004 Session 3: Dr. Dale Ralph Davis: Genesis 23 to 25 – “Covenant Quandries”


2003 Session 1: Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: Hebrews – “The Ministry of Christ in the Worship of God’s People”
2003 Session 2: Rev. Derek Prime: Judges 7 v1-23 & 8 v22-35“Battles won and lost”
2003 Session 3: Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: Romans 8 v9-39 – “The Ministry of the Spirit in the Lives of God’s People”


2002 Session 1: Dr. Ligon J. Duncan III: Romans 12 – “Don’t Give Jesus Your Heart”
2002 Session 2: Rev. Eric J. Alexander: Psalm 63 – “Thirsting for God”
2002 Session 3: Dr. Ligon J. Duncan III: Romans 8 – “God’s Good Purposes for September 11th”


2001 Session 1: Rev. Dr. Sandy Roger: Romans 7 – “Indwelling Sin”
2001 Session 2: Rev. Jonathan Wood: Luke 15 – “The Man Receiveth Sinners”
2001 Session 3: Rev. Dr. Sandy Roger: Colossians 3 – “The Indwelling Christ”


2000 Session 1: Rev. Andrew Davies: 2 Timothy 1 – “God has not given us a Spirit of Fear”
2000 Session 2: Rev. Peter Brumby: Nehemiah 1 – “Praying for the Work”
2000 Session 3: Rev. Andrew Davies: 2 Timothy 2 v1-3 – “Remember, Christ has Risen from the Dead”


1999 Session 1: Dr. Donald Carson: Genesis 3 – “The Beginning”
1999 Session 2: Dr. Donald Carson: Revelation 21 v1 to 22 v5 – “And the End”
1999 Session 3: Dr. Hywel Jones: 2 Corinthians 3 v1 to 4 v6 – “The Sight of Faith”


1998 Session 1: Rev. Mark Johnson: Romans 10 – “Recovering the Prophetic Element of Preaching”
1998 Session 2: Rev. David S. Carmichael: John 17 v16-19 – “Safe in the Heart of God”
1998 Session 3: Rev. William G. Hughes: Joshua 1 v1-9 – “The Priority of the Word”


1997 Session 1: Pastor Stuart Olyott: Luke 11 v1-13 – “Asking for the Holy Spirit”
1997 Session 2: Rev. Vernon Higham: Ephesians 1 v1-12 – “Election”
1997 Session 3: Rev. Vernon Higham: Romans 6 – “Eternal Issues”


1996 Session 1: Rev. John E. Marshall: Isaiah 6 – “Full of the Glory of God”
1996 Session 2: Rev. Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: 1 Peter 1 – “The Perserverence of the Saints – Part 1”
1996 Session 3: Rev. Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson: Hebrews 12 v1 – “The Perserverence of the Saints – Part 2”


1995 Session 1: Rev. Philip Hair: Romans 3 v21-15a – “Justified by Grace”
1995 Session 2: Rev. Murdo Macleod: Ephesians 2 v1-10 – “Irresistable Grace”
1995 Session 3: Pastor Achille Blaize: 2 Kings 21 – “The Power of Saving Grace”


1994 Session 1: Rev. Derick Thomas: 1 Chronicles 28 – “A Heart for God”
1994 Session 2: Rev. John Murray: Romans 1 v1-13 – “Conscience and Conviction”
1994 Session 3: Rev. Geoff Thomas: Titus 3 – “Life by His Death”


1993 Session 1: Rev. Ivor Oakley: 1 John 3 v1-3 – “Present Priviledges – Future Glory”
1993 Session 2: Rev. Prof. Edward Donnelly: Isaiah 6 – “The Holiness of God”
1993 Session 3: Rev. Angus Morrison: Matthew 28 v16-20 – “Commissioned and Encouraged”


1992 Session 1: Rev. Iain H. Murray: Jude 1 – “Jude’s Message for Us”
1992 Session 2: Rev. Alun McNab: Romans 4 v6 – “The Joy of Imputed Righteousness”
1992 Session 3: Rev. David S. Carmichael: John 17 – “A Name to Remember”


1991 Session 1: Rev. Malcolm H. Watts: Isaiah 58 – “Reformation of the Church”
1991 Session 2: Rev. Roderick Morrison: Romans 8 – “Christian Assurance”
1991 Session 3: Rev. Eric J. Alexander: Acts 4 v24-31 – “Soverign Lord”


1990 Session 1: Rev. Martin W. Allen: Jude 1 – “The Faith”
1990 Session 2: Rev. Prof. Alistair Macleod: Ephesians 5 v10-24 – “The Fight”
1990 Session 3: Rev. William G. Hughes: Revelation 4 – “The Vision”